How to join?
Zoom links and how to access
For the most updated Zoom links and other status of the conference, visit here.
Password to access the page is sent to speakers and audience through the registered email. If you did not receive it, please contact us at <>
Instructions for oral presenters
- Check your session schedule on the conference website.
- Please install Zoom in advance (version 5.4 or higher, window 10, Linux, mac). Instructions for presenters to join Zoom can be found in the following link.
- The Zoom link will be sent before the session. You can join the Zoom session by clicking on the provided link.
- Each session will be opened 30 minutes in advance. If you can not join from the beginning of the session, please join at least 10 minutes before your talk.
Instructions for poster presenters
- Check the poster session schedule on the conference website.
- Posters will be shown on the poster session page. The password to access this page has been sent to presenters and registered attendees.
- Poster discussions will be organized in Slack. Please join the assigned Slack channel at least 10 mins before the session is started. Link to the assigned Slack channel is listed in the poster session page.
Instructions for audiences
- Check the session that you want to join in the conference program.
- Please install Zoom in advance (version 5.4 or higher, window 10, Linux, mac). Instructions for audiences to join Zoom can be found in the following link.
- The session schedules (containing Zoom links) have been sent to attendees’ registered email address.
- Ask questions for presenters in Q&A panel.
Networking Channel
There is an official Slack workspace of VANJ2020 for the discussion with the speakers, authors, and presenters before, during and even stay in touch after the conference.
We are sending out Slack invitations to Speakers and Audience. Please check your email for the invitation link, and join us to start networking!
For how to join our Slack, please see here!
Zoom Setup
Join Conference using Zoom_For Speakers
Join Conference using Zoom_For Audience