Established in 2012, Rikkeisoft increasingly asserts its position domestically and globally when constantly expanding more fields in the ICT industry. Since then, after ten years of development, the technology ecosystem of Rikkeisoft has been gradually completed, including Rikkei Capital, Rikkei AI, Rikkei Academy, and Rikkei Digital.

In 2022, Rikkeisoft is one of a few Vietnamese businesses that have become a member of JISA (Japan Information Industry Association – the largest association in the Information Technology industry in Japan), and one out of three Vietnamese IT enterprises to receive an international award in the category of providing technological services and solutions for businesses at IT World Award 2022.

Continuing to expand the technology ecosystem, Rikkeisoft has set a goal for a growth of 10 thousand employees and is in preparation for IPO plan in 2025 heading for APAC, EU and US markets, together with Japan government’s digital transformation plan, helping to raise Vietnamese values to a new level. 

In Japan, the legal entity of Rikkeisoft – Rikkei Japan has more than 160 employees working in 1 headquarters and 3 branches: Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and Fukuoka. With the continuous growth, Rikkei Japan is confidently aiming for the goal of 1,000 employees in 2025 with various job opportunities offered to excellent Vietnamese and foreign IT engineers.

