Organized by:
* Dr. Luu Hai Dang, Nissan, Chair
* Dr. Nguyen Hue Minh, University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City, Co-chair
* Mr. Nguyen Anh Hao, Yokohama National University, Coordinator

In the wake of recent actions and events such as Brexit, the United States – China trade war, the Covid-19 pandemic, and the Russia – Ukraine conflict, the global economy has been experiencing high levels of trade policy uncertainty. Since international trade is an important element of an economy, high trade policy uncertainty can negatively affect trade flows, which in turn hurts economic growth. Recent US-China tension over Taiwan raises new concerns about an unprecedented increase in trade policy uncertainty, adversely affecting the global economy, especially the ASEAN region. Inviting speakers from both international organizations and academia, this session will discuss a wide range of economics and business topics including trade, supply chain management, and economic policies, with a focus on the economic impacts of recent events of uncertainty on ASEAN countries.


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VANJ Conference 2022 VANJ Conference 2022