Organized by:
* Dr. Hanh Vu, MD., PhD., MBA., Gifu University, Chair
* Ms. Hoang Thi Thanh Hoa, Gifu University, Coordinator

The human microbiome is composed of thousands of different species, including not only bacteria but viruses, parasites and fungi. Each person has that unique living dynamic environment where the relative abundance of species may fluctuate daily, weekly, and monthly depending on diet, medication, exercise, and a host of other environmental exposures. The microbiome has complexity and is considered to be linked with various diseases and conditions. Identifying whether the microbial imbalance is related to disease has become a challenge. Nowadays, scientists are still in the early stages of understanding the microbiome’s broad role in health and the extent of problems. Several current research topics are how the microbiome and their metabolites influence human health and disease, what factors influence the framework and balances of one’s microbiome or the development of probiotics as a functional food.
The session “Microbiome” will provide you with a fruitful discussion of the host-microbiome interactions that impact disease as well as the future potential of microbiome manipulation for disease diagnosis and disease treatment, which is given by scientists and experts in this area.

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VANJ Conference 2022 VANJ Conference 2022