Organized by:

Dr. Tran Huynh Ngoc, INS Engineering, Vietnam (Chair)

Dr. Nguyen Xuan Hieu, Toshiba Mitsubishi-Electric Industrial Systems Corporation, Japan. (Co-Chair)

You’ve heard a lot about green energy, but… 

Did you know using energy efficiently is also considered a high priority and important practice of green energy? Did you know that the green energy roadmap has many challenges, one of which is integrating them into the current energy system? Did you know that the transition to green energy also requires us to deal with traditional energy sources appropriately?

 In this session, you will hear about very interesting aspects of green energy, including:  

  • Electrification and optimization of energy use in automobiles,
  • Technologies that integrate green energy into the current energy system such as renewable energy forecasting, microgrid, smart grids, 
  • Policy tools in the electricity market serving green energy development. 
  • Carbon capture technology, a technology that supports a smooth transition to green energy,
  • and other relevant topics…

 Join the session to discuss with experts on various aspects of green energy and expand our green energy horizons.

We would like to introduce 5 guest speakers who are experts in the field of Green Energy Aspects and Development:

🔔Assist. Prof. Nguyen Binh Minh, The University of Tokyo, Japan.

🔔Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Gia Minh Thao, Shimane University, Japan.

🔔Dr. Le Hong Lam, Da Nang University, Vietnam.

🔔Dr. Do Minh Thang, Meteodyn, France.

🔔Dr. Phung Quoc Huy, Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre, Japan.

Event Timeslots (1)

Room 2
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