Organized by:

Dr. Tuan Nguyen, Computational Biology at Agriculture Victoria (Chair)

Dr. Vuong Tuan Phong, Theriogenology Laboratory, Graduate School of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University (Co-Chair)

Dr. Trang Pham, Wageningen University, Netherlands (Co-Chair)

On a global scale, nations are collaborating to form agreements and strong commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and protect the environment. The transition to green and sustainable energy sources is no longer just a trend but a necessity. New technologies related to renewable energy, energy conservation, and environmental management are being developed and implemented extensively. The world is working together to ensure we can generate clean energy, protect the environment, and ensure sustainable living for all. Our session, titled “Circular Livestock Farming and its Potential for a Sustainable Country,” explores a vital aspect of the Green Environment and Energy theme. The global community faces a multitude of environmental challenges, from climate change to resource depletion. Now more than ever, we must seek innovative solutions that promote both economic prosperity and ecological well-being. 

Circular livestock farming, the focus of our session, is a transformative concept that embodies the principles of sustainability and circular economy. In traditional livestock farming, resources such as water, feed, and energy are often used linearly, leading to inefficiencies and significant waste generation. Circular livestock farming, on the other hand, seeks to create a closed-loop system where waste is minimized, and resources are optimized to their fullest potential. 

In this innovative approach, the cycle begins with the sustainable production of animal feed, utilizing regenerative agricultural practices and minimizing the environmental footprint. Livestock are raised in systems that prioritize animal welfare and minimize stress. Manure and other byproducts from these animals are managed in a manner that converts waste into valuable resources, such as organic fertilizers or biogas for energy production. 

Circular livestock farming strives to reduce the use of antibiotics and chemicals, aiming for a healthier, more natural environment for both animals and ecosystems. It often incorporates advanced technologies such as precision agriculture, IoT, and data analytics to monitor and optimize processes. Through a holistic and systemic approach, circular livestock farming enhances resource efficiency, minimizes greenhouse gas emissions, and reduces the overall environmental impact of animal agriculture. 

Over the course of this session, we will hear from experts, researchers, and practitioners who will share their insights, experiences, and research findings on circular livestock farming. We will delve into the principles, practices, and tangible benefits of this approach, and discuss how it can contribute to a more sustainable, environmentally friendly, and economically robust agricultural sector. Our goal is to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of how circular livestock farming can be a catalyst for positive change, not only in Vietnam and Japan but around the world.

We would like to introduce 4 guest speakers who are experts in the field of Veterinary Medicine:

🔔Prof. Takafumi Gotoh, Hokkaido University, Japan.

🔔Prof. Nguyen Van Thu, Can Tho University, Vietnam.

🔔Dr. Edward Narayan, University of Queensland, Australia.

🔔Dr. Quan Nguyen, Carbon Friendly, Australia.

Event Timeslots (1)

Room 3
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